Chances are you have no budget for professional SEO. You might have read a few blogs or even got some quotes from Fiverr. But in reality SEO is not as difficult as you might think.
We have a range of resources that can help you build your blog, get traffic and target your audience.
Use free resources
There are many resources around such as ubersuggest which can help you for free. Other resources such as semrush also have free versions of their site.
If you are using WordPress then Yeost is a powerful tool. The free version is packed with helpful sections that let you know how your text is performing. Simply install it and you can get working on it right away.
Ahrefs has a very popularSEO tool and free to use. Input 100 keywords or phrases in the search bar. Fromt here you will see the top keywords related to your search as well as their search volume from when the data for that keyword was last updated, and keyword difficulties for the first 10 keywords on the list. Really clever stuff.
Another tool that packs a punch is Bing’s webmaster tool box. What is interesting about this tool is it can help with keyword research, reporting, and can crawl your website to identify issues. THe best bit is it often revels things that Google might not. Worth a try.
Do your own backlink checking for free
Ahrefs again offer a very powerful tool. Their backlink checker. As we all know, backlink quality is very important and this helps you find out how you are doing. Best thing is, you can check your competitors too. See where they are linking and try to match it.
Read our ebook
Ok there is a small cost for this. The 25 page ebooks is concise, but packed with how to’s and best practices. There is no ‘magic formula’ or ‘secret success’ to it. The perfect product page is down to you understanding what your customer is looking for, what they expect and why they should buy with you. With only a small investment, you can make your ecommerce page really work for you.
Tailor your content for your audience
We have created our very own ebook: Zero Budget SEO for ecommerce pages. If you have a shopify website or any other kind of platform, chances are you are missing out on search results because your page lacks detail.
Research your keywords
In this ebook, we help you target those keywords, find the right format and deliver an amazing product page. Comparing yourself to competitors and manufacturers, you will need to bring something new to the table. Google is all about making the best experience for their visitors. So your website should be that too.